Friday, January 1, 2010

Elin Nordegren 'heads to the Alps to heal her heartbreak'

Deepak Jain>Sat, Jan 02 10 11:24 AM

Melbourne, Jan 2 (ANI): Elin Nordegren has left hubby Tiger Woods behind in the US to take a secret trip to the snowy French Alps, it has emerged.

The Sun reported that the Swedish stunner gave the golfing star the cold shoulder.

According to reports, Elin is seeking refuge in a 6,000dollar-a-night chalet.

Elin, 29, is holed up in the chalet near the posh French resort of Chamonix. She's there with her twin sister Josephin and five trusted pals, reports The Daily Telegraph.

A family friend told The Sun: "Elin wanted to take her family and close friends away from the minefield Tiger has created by his behavior.

"She has been absolutely torn to pieces by what he has done to her. But she still sees a future with Tiger because of the beautiful children they have.

"She told him she needed a lengthy time apart to reflect on how they might possibly salvage the marriage."

Meanwhile, it has been reported that the sex scandal could see the golfer's antics being made into a film.

Hollywood producers are keen to tell the story in a made-for-TV movie. Jerry Maguire star, Oscar-winning Cuba Gooding Jr, 41, is said to be one of those being lined-up to play the golfer.(ANI)

Source: Web Search


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