Friday, April 23, 2010

'Will give up sex, jobs for WC win'

Published>Fri, Apr 23 10 05:16 PM

An overwhelming majority of 51 percent of soccer fans hailing from countries participating in the upcoming football World Cup and residing in North America are ready to starve themselves for a week to see their respective nations win the coveted title, a survey has revealed.

According to the survey conducted by US-based firm VIP Communications Inc., more than 40 per cent of the 20,000 people who participated in the poll, were ready to give up dating for a year, while seven per cent said they would give up their job to see their country win the World Cup in South Africa.

It also found that a whopping 93 percent of English fans had no qualms over giving up eating food for a week to see England lift the World Cup starting June 11, while 70 percent of Italians were ready to resign from their jobs if their team supersedes the 32 other participating teams in the month long tournament.

While most Americans appeared ready to give up their homes, majority of South Koreans preferred a World Cup win to their love lives, The Dawn reports.

However, Slovakians were the least interested in the fate of their national squad, as only three percent said were ready to sacrifice any of the things to see their side's triumph.

Source: Web Search


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