Friday, May 28, 2010

Tiger Woods' wife now 'plans trip to China'

Published>Fri, May 28 10 02:07 PM

Washington, May 28 (ANI): Tiger Woods' estranged wife Elin is planning a trip to China, sources say.

The Swedish beauty has been traveling more often in the recent past, seemingly, to stay away from her love-rat husband.

Elin apparently leaves her kids at Woods' home whenever she goes on a trip.

"Elin has the nannies take the kids to Tiger's house. She used to drive them and go in the house. Not anymore. She's been great about sharing the kids, but she doesn't go near Tiger," Radaronline quoted a source as saying.

The insider added: "She's become fully independent now. She's built her own life."

Elin recently traveled to Sweden with her children. Also, she visited South Florida to watch a tennis tournament, and took a nearly week-long trip to Arizona. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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