Friday, July 2, 2010

Zimbabwe cricket chief says Howard was just not suitable for ICC post

Published>Fri, Jul 02 10 01:18 PM

Melbourne, July 2 (ANI): Zimbabwe Cricket chairman Peter Chingoka has justified his country's decision not to support the candidature of former Australian prime minister John Howard for the post of ICC vice-president, saying he was just not suitable.

Chingoka told The Age it "goes without saying" that whoever Australia and NZ choose in place of rejected nominee John Howard - if they decide to do so - must be "somebody who's come through hands-on in cricket".

He said the push for election of the former Australian prime minister was akin to "asking me to come and edit the Melbourne Age without any experience in the journalism industry".

"No one has a problem with an Australian candidate, no one has a problem with a New Zealand candidate - if it's an individual we can accept," Chingoka said.

"There is a lot of talent in Australia and New Zealand. I could give you at least six names from Australia who have been on the Australian board or the board of the ICC who are very competent and would be immediately suitable, I can give you two or three names from New Zealand who would be immediately suitable," he added.

While Howard, along with Cricket Australia and NZ Cricket, has complained about not knowing the basis of the widespread opposition, Chingoka said such reasons were "not palatable to some people, but reasons have been given".

He also quashed the suggestion his country's President Robert Mugabe, a target of significant public criticism from Howard while in office, had influenced his board's decision.

"That is an excuse that has been used because of the denial of the reasons given [to Howard and the countries], because it's a convenient excuse."

Chingoka predicted the operation of the ICC board would not be undermined by Howard's rejection.

The most obvious replacement for Howard as nominee, Sir John Anderson, would not comment yesterday. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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