Sunday, September 26, 2010

Two more Aussie athletes pull out of Delhi CWG

Sun, Sep 26 10 12:58 PM

Melbourne, Sep 26 (PTI) Australian cyclist Travis Meyer and table tennis player Stephanie Sang today joined the growing list of athletes pulling out of the troubled Commonwealth Games in Delhi, citing security and health concerns. Withdrawal by Meyer and Sang took the number of Australian pullouts to three. Last week, discus world champion Dani Samuels'' was the first to skip the Games. Australian Commonwealth Games chief Perry Crosswhite dubbed the pullouts as disappointing. "I am disappointed on the basis that these Games will be a good experience particularly for all the athletes who come to it and of course we wouldn''t be here if we didn''t think the security wasn''t being organised well and at the level it should be," Crosswhite was quoted as saying by the ''Australian Associated Press''. Crosswhite said the recently-married Sang pulled out because of security fears, and a replacement for her on the team was being sought. Australia''s athletes will begin arriving in Delhi from Wednesday for the October 3 to 14 event.

Source: Published>


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