Monday, February 8, 2010

John Terry's wife Toni's T-shirt shows her turmoil

Published>Mon, Feb 08 10 06:26 PM

London, Feb 8 (ANI): English footballer John Terry's wife Toni has been spotted in Dubai sporting a T-shirt which carried the message "I love the chaos" on the front and "I hate the confusion" on the back.

The 28-year-old mum of three-year-old twins, Georgie John and Summer Rose, looked troubled as her marriage with footie Terry is in a mess after his affair with French model Vanessa Perroncel came to light.

Toni later spent the night with family her instead of watching her hubby led Chelsea play against Arsenal, reports the Sun.

Meanwhile, Terry has been sacked as the caption of the national team following the revelation of his sexcapades. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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