Monday, February 8, 2010

Nancy Dell'Olio hopes Toni forgives John Terry

Published>Mon, Feb 08 10 04:50 PM

London, Feb 8 (ANI): Nancy Dell'Olio, the ex-girlfriend of former England manager Sven Goran Eriksson, says footie John Terry's wife Toni should forgive him.

Dell'Olio has herself gone through the pain that Toni is experiencing - Eriksson cheated on her twice when they were seeing each other.

He slept with telly girl Ulrika Jonsson and FA secretary Faria Alam, and Dell'Olio forgave him each time, though they broke up later.

"I have met both John and Toni and see them occasionally. They are a lovely couple. There is absolutely no justification for John's behaviour but anyone can make mistakes," the Sun quoted Dell'Olio, as saying.

She continued: "In the end, we are all human beings and this is something private between them.

"Only they can know if there is true love for each other. Nobody from outside can know what is going on between them.

"The only thing that is important is what is happening in their relationship. This woman, Vanessa Perroncel - the former girlfriend of Wayne Bridge - I am very sorry to say that she is nothing.

"It is clear that she just wanted to have her moment of fame."

Dell'Olio felt Toni should forgive John if she saw real remorse in him.

She said: "I know it is a big embarrassment and must have hurt Toni deeply but I am sure that John is going to be truly sorry for his mistake.

"He is going to be full of remorse and regret for his stupidity. Only Toni knows of their love for each other and if she sees real remorse, I hope she will have the strength to forgive him. I think it is wonderful to be forgiven and to forgive.

"I am sure that they love each other. One or two mistakes should not ruin that and we must not forget how young they are."

Dell'Olio added: "I absolutely believe John and Toni can rebuild the trust they had between them.

"When there is love, there is always a chance. It will be very hard and it will take a lot of time but if they try as much as they can I think they can come out of this even stronger." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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