Saturday, May 1, 2010

Coleen Rooney feeling broody

Published>Sat, May 01 10 04:08 PM

London, May 1 (ANI): Just six months after the birth of baby Kai, Coleen Rooney is saying that she wants more babies with hubby Wayne.

Talking at the Philip Armstrong fashion show in Liverpool, the proud mother showed off a photo of Kai, which she has as her iPhone screensaver.

"I've really started getting used to being a mum now and I absolutely love it," the Mirror quoted her as saying.

"I wasn't scared about having a baby at all because I've been surrounded by babies all my life.

"But it's just a case of getting used to it and not having as much sleep and getting into routines.

"I definitely want more children. Not right at this minute, but maybe in a year or so. I'm not rushing back to work either, I'm just enjoying being a mum," she added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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