Saturday, May 1, 2010

Liverpool will betray history if they don't beat Chelsea, says expectant Fergie

Published>Sat, May 01 10 02:38 PM

London, May 1 (ANI): Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has said that ace rivals Liverpool will be betraying the history of their club if they do not do everything to beat Chelsea on Sunday.

Many United fans fear that Liverpool will not have the same desire to beat Carlo Ancelotti's players knowing that it could all but hand their rivals a record 19th Premier League title.

"I think Liverpool will do their best on Sunday, they have to. Great clubs don't throw their histories away, they don't throw their traditions away for one game," The Sun quoted Ferguson, as saying.

"They have been in 11 European finals and won 18 titles. That is a fantastic history and you don't throw that away. Do you think their fans want to go home saying their team capitulated and didn't even try? Of course not," he said.

Ferguson pointed to the situation on the last day of the 1994-95 season as an example of what Liverpool is about.

They beat Blackburn at Anfield knowing that could hand United the title.

"In 1995 it was exactly the same, the similarities were there. We depended and hoped on Liverpool producing and we got that.

"Their manager Roy Evans talked to me and said 'You have to earn the right to win the title' and that stands today," he said. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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