Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dawson still in a daze over Ferdinand replacement for World Cup

Published>Sat, Jun 05 10 03:58 PM

London, June 5(ANI): England defender Michael Dawson was still in a daze when he jetted off to South Africa after being drafted in the World Cup team as a replacement for injured captain Rio Ferdinand.

Three days ago, Dawson was planning a holiday after being left out of England manager Fabio Capello's 23-man squad for the tournament.

"It's a crazy game and things can change in a split second. One minute I'm trying to arrange a holiday, then I get a call asking if I was on holiday because Rio had pulled out of training," The Sun quoted Dawson, as saying.

"I said 'no' and then I was just waiting by the phone, before I got a call saying I would be picked up in an hour. It's been a crazy day," he added.

Though the 26-year-was thrilled by his inclusion, he still spared a thought for Ferdinand, whose dreams of lifting the World Cup trophy were shattered by the injury.

"For Rio to get injured, there would be no worse feeling for him as a player. To miss the biggest tournament in the world as the captain, I feel for him. I missed the Carling Cup final in 2008 and there was nothing anyone could have said to me that could have made me feel any better," Dawson said.

"For Rio, the feeling will be the same, but it's a chance for me now. I've not had time to think about it, but I've had call after call with people wishing me good luck," he added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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