Saturday, June 5, 2010

Delhi 2010 marks World Environment Day with Green Transport rally

Published>Sat, Jun 05 10 06:38 PM

New Delhi, June 5 (ANI): On the occasion of the World Environment Day, the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi along with the Department of Environment, GNCTD, organised a Sustainable Transport Rally which included bicycles, electric cars and electric bikes.

The Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi released the Green Games monthly e-newsletter and the Department of Environment, GNCTD, also released its 2010 State of the Environment Report.

There were more than 200 participants and the rally proceeded in two batches. The first batch was a Cycle Rally that was flagged off from the Organising Committee headquarters by Shera, the Games mascot. Special DG Sudhir Mittal was also present at the flagging off. The second batch was a rally of electric cars and electric bikes flagged off by the Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit from her residence.

Both the rallies converged at the NDMC Commonwealth Garden located at Africa Avenue for ceremonial plantation. Present during the occasion along with the Chief Minister were Director General, TERI, and Chairman, IPCC Dr. R. K. Pachuari, Minister of Health and Family Welfare Kiran Walia, Chairman, NDMC Parimal Rai, Director General, OC CWG Delhi 2010, V. K. Verma and other dignitaries who also addressed the audience on the occasion.

Verma reiterated OC's initiative and commitment towards making Delhi 2010 the first ever Green Commonwealth Games. He also appreciated the Delhi government's initiatives towards sustainable transport.

Dikshit emphasised and appealed to the citizens of Delhi to make the city green and clean. She said "While Delhi has achieved the status of a green city in India it has also got international recognition as of the greenest cities in the world. It is now time for Delhi to also become a clean city." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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