Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Woods angrily fends off querries relating to his private life

Published>Wed, Jul 07 10 01:07 PM

Florida (US0, July 7 (ANI): Anger apparently simmered in golfer Tiger Woods eyes as he interacted with media over issues relating to his private life.

The world No 1 was at his staccato, excruciating worst fending off questions about why he was heading home so soon, reports The Age.

Pressed on why he would not be refining his links golf technique before next week's Open Championship at St Andrews, he replied: "Because I need to go home."

Asked if his abrupt departure for Orlando was due to "personal stuff", he said, tersely: "To see my kids".

The most uncomfortable silence occurred as a reporter wondered aloud if Woods felt that all his misdemeanours had been worth it, in light of his ragged form since returning to the game.

He interjected: "I think you are reading too much into this."

For those hoping for the humility he had promised to show, this was a dispiriting reversion to type.

Woods has failed to win any of the six events he has entered after becoming embroiled in a sex scandal and there are suspicions, with his marriage to Elin Nordegren understood to be on the verge of collapse, that golf has become a relative triviality in his life.

"Golf is something that I've done for a very long time, and there are times in one's life when things get put into perspective," he admitted.

"One being when my father passed away, and obviously with what I have been going through lately."

But Woods could not avoid the fact that, before last month's US Open at Pebble Beach, he had expressed his wish that every major was contested at St Andrews. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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