Monday, August 23, 2010

'Divorced' Tiger Woods' philandering may cost him 100mn pound in settlement

Published>Tue, Aug 24 10 11:45 AM

London, Aug 24 (ANI): Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren are finally divorced and now there's only one question on everyone's mind - what is the settlement?

"The rumours are bouncing around and the smart thinking is that Elin will receive a settlement into the early 100 million pounds, not half of his 1 billion pound," The Telegraph quoted divorce lawyer Vanessa Lloyd Platt as saying.

While Nordegren is likely to get the couple's one home in Florida, Woods will get the house in Jupiter Island, Florida as well as a 2 million pound Los Angeles apartment and their 155ft yacht Privacy.

Woods' wife will reportedly get 20 million dollars (12 million pounds) after 10 years of marriage, according to a prenuptial agreement. But that amount could go up in wake of Woods' recent scandals.

He will possibly have custody of their two children for at least one weekend a month.

According to the divorce documents the marriage was "irretrievably broken" and the couple had agreed to separate in early July, following Woods' confession to a string of extramarital affairs. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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