Thursday, September 2, 2010

We should be excited for Games: Sushil Kumar

Thu, Sep 02 10 08:07 PM

New Delhi, Sep 2 (PTI) Olympic bronze medallist wrestler Sushil Kumar today said it''s not time to create controversies and people should be "happy and excited" about the Commonwealth Games, scheduled for October 3-14. The build-up to the Games has been marred by construction delays and corruption allegations. "Let''s build a positive image and stop criticising each other. It''s a matter of great pride that India is hosting such a big event after 1982 Asian Games. We should be happy and excited," Sushil said on the sidelines of the launch of Games'' merchandise. A lot of corruption reports surfaced recently which led to Indian government intervening in the organisation of the mega event. A group of Empowered ministers and a team of bureaucrats was formed to oversee the preparations. The Haryana grappler is confident Indian team will put up a impressive show at home Games. "We are confident of rich medal haul. We have trained really hard for the big event and hope to win a maximum of 21 medals in both men''s and women''s event. I am sure of at least 15 medals. "It''s the biggest event happening in the country and we are prepared for that. We will bring laurels for the country," said Sushil, who will compete in the free style 66-kg event. Sushil said he was happy with the facilities being provided to wrestlers by the federation and the sports ministry. "The national camp at Sonepat is going well and wrestlers are training hard. The sports ministry and federation have provided us with all the facilities," he added.

Source: Published>


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