Friday, October 8, 2010

Contador wants swift decision, to sue some media

Sat, Oct 09 10 05:41 AM

Tour de France winner Alberto Contador wants a quick decision from the International Cycling Union (UCI) on his failed doping test to put a stop to what he called "the publication of false and defamatory news".

Three-times Tour champion Contador, who was provisionally suspended by the UCI last week after testing positive for a small quantity of the anabolic agent clenbuterol during the July race, said he would take legal action against "various media and websites" for publishing "defamatory information".

The 27-year-old has denied doping and put the positive test down to contaminated meat.

"The rider asks the sport authorities and especially (the UCI) to provide a quick resolution of this case, as this is the best way to end the speculation and the publication of false and defamatory news about him," a statement released by his press officer, Jacinto Vidarte, said on Friday.

"The legal team of Alberto Contador will take legal actions against defamatory information published so far by various media and websites, due to their absolute lack of veracity," the statement added.

"Additionally, they will proceed in the same way with any defamatory information that will be published in the future."

Contador was one of four Spanish riders suspended in three days last week, and joined a list of recent positive doping cases that have tarnished the country's image in the sport.

He repeated in Friday's statement that he was innocent of doping.

"Alberto Contador reiterates that the clenbuterol found in the analysis of the last Tour de France was solely caused by food contamination and in no case has he resorted to an autologous or any other method of doping," the statement said.

Clenbuterol can be used by athletes to strip fat and enhance muscle size and can have short-term stimulant effects including increasing aerobic capacity, blood pressure and alertness. It has led to bans for cyclists in the past.

Source: Published>


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