Thursday, March 18, 2010

'Easy, good patient' Becks wins medical fans at Finland clinic

Published>Thu, Mar 18 10 04:22 PM

London, March 18 (ANI): David Beckham ended up winning hearts as he stepped out of a Finnish clinic following a surgery to repair his torn Achilles tendon.

The ace footballer received treatment at the Mehilainen Clinic in Turku and his recovery is expected to take at least six months.

The easy going and well behaved midfielder left medical staff wishing for more patients like him as he left the clinic with his foot in a cast to jet back with wife Victoria, The Sun reported.

Dr Sakari Orava revealed the 34-year-old star was "well and in a good mood" and told how they had ordered pizzas and watched football on a large-screen TV.

Dr Orava said: "He was a very easy and good patient. Even the nurses said they wished that all their patients were like him. He was very satisfied and didn't complain about anything and thanked veryone." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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