Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mourinho says he can return to Premier League anytime

Published>Thu, Mar 18 10 02:48 PM

London, Mar 18 (ANI): Inter Milan boss Jose Mourinho has said that he has a clause in his contract which allows him to quit at any time, showing his interest to coach top Premier League clubs again.

The former Chelsea boss, who knocked his old club out of the Champions League, will review his options this summer.

"My future consists of doing my best until the end of the season, then we'll see. My contract is simple. I've got another three years, with a clause that allows me to leave whenever I want," The Sun quoted Mourinho, as saying.

That revelation will have Europe's top clubs scrambling to prise him away from the San Siro.

Manchester City, Liverpool and even Manchester United have all been mentioned as possible destinations for the Special One.

He has also been linked with Spanish giants Real Madrid.

When asked about a return to the Premier League, he said: "Who knows, in the future I may coach another English team." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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