Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Schumacher won't indulge in dirty tricks: Hamilton

Published>Tue, Mar 16 10 02:39 PM

Formula One ace Lewis Hamilton has said that rival and seven-time champion Michael Schumacher won't indulge in dirty tricks on the racing track this year.

The British ace admitted he feared Schumacher's reputation for nasty track tactics when they were running close together in Bahrain on Sunday.

Hamilton finished third in his McLaren, well clear of the German who was a distant sixth making his comeback with Mercedes after three years.

Hamilton said: "He was on my tail for a while. But it wasn't a problem. At the beginning when I first saw him it did cross my mind that it was a new experience and will he attack or do a stupid move. But just from that one experience, I know what he's like now. He's fair, he's smart."

Hamilton still believes Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel will be the man to beat this year despite Ferrari's one-two with Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, The Sun reports.

German star Vettel, 22, looked set to win until an engine problem left him powerless, as Alonso, Massa and Hamilton swept past.

Hamilton said: "If Vettel had a reliable engine, he's got so much down force he could run away with it. But if he has problems it won't be a runaway year for anyone. For me, that was one of my best drives and we are an age ahead of where we were this time last year."

Teammate Jenson Button insists his confidence has not been dented, despite losing the first battle with Hamilton after finishing seventh.

And the world champ is confident he can improve in Australia on Sunday week.

Source: Web Search


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