Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Woods to make long-awaited return at U.S. Masters

Tiger Woods pauses while delivering a statement to friends and family in Ponte Vedra Beach,...

Published>Wed, Mar 17 10 01:57 AM

Tiger Woods will start trying to restore a reputation battered by marital infidelities at next month's U.S Masters, the tournament which helped him become the world's most marketable sportsman.

The world number one has not competed since his victory at the Australian Masters on Nov. 15 and has opted to make his comeback at Augusta National where he won the first of his 14 majors in 1997.

"I view this tournament with great respect," Woods said in a statement on Tuesday. "After a long and necessary time away from the game, I feel like I'm ready to start my season at Augusta.

The 34-year-old American, whose golfing dominance has placed him in the pantheon of all-time sporting greats since he turned professional in late 1996, has won the Masters four times.

"The major championships have always been a special focus in my career and, as a professional, I think Augusta is where I need to be, even though it's been a while since I last played," he added.

Woods announced in December he was taking an indefinite break from the game to save his marriage after revelations emerged of his repeated infidelity. He has apologised to his family and fans but had not indicated until Tuesday when he might return to the game.

Woods trails only Jack Nicklaus -- with 18 titles -- in the all-time major standings and has long targeted overhauling the benchmark set by his fellow American who was his golfing idol as a child.

The scandal around Woods erupted after he crashed his car outside his Florida home in the middle of the night in November, a bizarre incident that triggered a storm of media speculation over his private life.

The minor accident led to a parade of women alleging publicly they had had affairs with the golfer.


Last month Woods made a carefully managed first public appearance since his spectacular fall from grace.

He said he was sorry for cheating on his Swedish wife, Elin Nordegren, with whom he has two small children, and that he was undergoing therapy, although he did not give details.

"I have undergone almost two months of in-patient therapy, and I am continuing my treatment," Woods said on Tuesday.

"Although I'm returning to competition, I still have a lot of work to do in my personal life."

Media reports have said he was treated for sex addiction in Mississippi.

The impending return of Woods has been warmly welcomed by golf officials and sponsors.

PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem said: "He has invested a lot of time taking steps, both in his personal and professional life, in order to prepare for his return. We all wish him and his family the best as he rejoins the Tour."

Billy Payne, chairman of Augusta National Golf Club and the Masters tournament, added: "Additionally, we support and encourage his stated commitment to continue the significant work required to rebuild his personal and professional life."


Mark O'Meara, the 1998 Masters champion and a long-time mentor to Woods, told the Golf Channel: "Augusta is the perfect venue for him to do that, he has had such great success there.

A spokesperson for sponsor Gillette said: "Like many sports fans around the world, we're looking forward to seeing Tiger back on the course."

Another sponsor, Nike, said: "We look forward to Tiger's return to the Masters and seeing him back on the course."

David Carter, head of the Sports Institute at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, said: "He certainly has picked a really manageable tournament to re-emerge in.

"I think if he plays well and is able to align with the pageantry of the Masters, it's a step in the right direction."

Woods, who is believed to be the world's wealthiest athlete, was estimated to earn about $100 million a year in endorsement deals before the scandal led AT&T and Accenture to drop him as a spokesman. Other sponsors, however, stood by him.

Source: Web Search


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