Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ashley Cole 'thought Cheryl would never leave him'

Published>Fri, May 28 10 12:09 PM

London, May 28 (ANI): Chelsea footballer Ashley Cole recently told his team mates that he thought his wife Cheryl would never leave him, it has emerged.

The 29-year-old love rat defender went for training to Austria in a "foul mood" since he believed that his marriage with Cheryl could still be saved.

"The split has left Ashley in the pits. He thought he was invincible - Cheryl proved him wrong. He's furious with the world at the moment and is not in a good frame of mind," a close friend of Ashley said.

"But the lads will turn it around for him so he's ready for South Africa," the pal added.

Ashley was shocked when the 26-year-old Girls Aloud singer left him, The Sun reports.

"Ashley believed because of the house and nearly four years of marriage, she wouldn't up and leave totally and so quickly. He thought there would be another chance to sort things out. But the timing of Cheryl filing for divorce is no coincidence," the source said.

"While he is away and concentrating on the World Cup, there will be little opportunity for him to contact his ex wife," the source added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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