Thursday, May 27, 2010

'Football has to be more professional'

Published>Fri, May 28 10 09:23 AM

New Delhi, May 28 -- The India Habitat Centre in the Capital played host to what may well be the first knowledge sharing forum, and interface between those that deliver sports, and those looking to invest in it as a business proposition.

Sunando Dhar, CEO of the I-League, however, seemed bullish on the former front. "If the clubs don't conform to AFC criteria by December 31 this year, they will not be allowed to play in I-League from next season. The message is, shape up or ship out. AIFF President Praful Patel and AFC chief Mohammad bin Hammam are serious about this." Strong words, but in the wake of the Mahindra pullout, how hard the league will be able to come down on defaulting clubs, will only be known next season.

Source: Web Search


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