Friday, August 27, 2010

Boxer Lakra doubtful for Delhi CWG

Fri, Aug 27 10 10:23 PM

Jamshedpur, Aug 27 (PTI) Commonwealth championship bronze medal winning boxer Anthresh Lalit Lakra is doubtful for the upcoming Commonwealth Games because of a ligament injury, which he sustained at the conditioning camp in Patiala a few months ago. "I had suffered an injury in the knee during the conditioning camp for CWG at Patiala four months ago and not fully fit," Lakra, who won a bronze in 2005 Commonwealth Championship, told PTI here today. Asked whether he could be in shape to be in the ring for the October 3-14 quadrennial event in Delhi, Lakra said, "I am not certain as the doctor told me I need a couple of months to regain my full fitness." "I left the camp about two months ago after informing the concerned authorities. I am undergoing treatment at Mumbai and am not sure whether I will be fit by the time CWG begins," added Lakra, who also has a bronze in 2008 World championships. Lakra, an officer in the Indian Navy posted at Mumbai, had won a bronze medal in the Commonwealth Championship in 57 kg weight category boxing event in England. "Yes, I have already intimated it to the officials of the Indian Boxing Federation as well as my employers," he said when asked whether the injury was in the knowledge of the concerned officials.

Source: Published>


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