Friday, October 15, 2010

Heavy rains lash Kochi causing concern about first ODI''s fate

Fri, Oct 15 10 02:37 PM

Kochi, Oct 15 (PTI) Heavy rain in Kochi since last night has raised concerns about the fate of the first one-dayer between India and Australia here on October 17. The practice sessions of both the teams have been cancelled due to the rains, Kerala Cricket Association sources said. The Australian team was to practise this morning and the Indian team in the afternoon, but due to the rains both the practise sessions have been cancelled, the sources said. "The ground condition is very bad. There is lot of water in the ground," the sources told PTI. "However, if the rains clear by this afternoon and there is sunshine, we will try our best to clear the water," the sources said. Though the ground has been covered with the plastic covers brought from Chennai, there is seepage into the ground due to the heavy rains, the sources said. The Indian and Australian team members had reached here yesterday after the second Test in Bangalore, which India won. India had also won the first test at Mohali. According to the Met department, the weather today and tomorrow will be cloudy with one or two showers. It is likely to clear by Sunday.

Source: Published>


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