Friday, March 19, 2010

Andrey Arshavin launches his own agony uncle advice column!

Published>Fri, Mar 19 10 04:38 PM

London, March 19 (ANI): Russian footie Andrey Arshavin is now offering advice to people - he has unveiled a column on his website where fans can ask him about anything, from love to the reason for rain.

When replying to fan's questions on the Ask Andrey section of his website, the Arsenal star, 28, frequently draws upon his experiences with girlfriend Julia, 24, and their kids, son Artyom, four, and daughter Alina, two.

"The Sun has listed some of the questions posted on his site with his answers:

1. WHAT do you think people need pain for?

For people not to forget that they are mere mortals. Some people say that suffering purifies the soul.

2. Sometimes I feel so down. What shall I do?

Try to overcome this situation. Think that after this bad streak there's definitely going to be a good one. Despondency is a sin.

3. I am 25 and still not married. My parents are upset about this. They say I may end up a spinster. But I don't want to get married yet - what should I do?

Step one: You need to find a scruffy, heavy drinker. Step two: Persuade him to marry you. I think for a small amount of money he will agree to fulfil the role of your fiance. Finally, take this guy home. Tell your parents he will live with you. Next time they will think before forcing their opinion on you.

4. Some people say the rain comes when angels cry. What do you think?

I do not think it's angels' tears. It's simply a natural phenomenon. Although it sounds more romantic the way you put it.

5. What does love mean?

You have touched on a very delicate subject. I guess for every person it's something different, something very personal. For me, the perception of love is on an emotional level, rather than in words.

6. Can laughter prolong life?

We have a lot of fun during training at Arsenal. As for prolonging life? Scientists claim it does. If they claim this, probably they are right." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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