Friday, March 19, 2010

Tiger's mistress reveals explicit SMSes

Published>Fri, Mar 19 10 01:52 PM

A former porn actress released sexually graphic text messages Thursday that she says prove her affair with Tiger Woods, and she said she may reveal more potentially embarrassing information about the golfer as he prepares to return to competition next month.

Joslyn James, whose real name is Veronica Siwik-Daniels, posted more than 100 messages on her Web site that she says came from Woods and indicate he arranged to have her stay at the same hotel as he did.

Some of the messages show a desire for rough sex. In texts dated Aug. 29, the person she says is Woods says he wants to slap her and that she should beg the next time he sees her.

The messages were released just two days after Woods announced he would end his four-month, self-imposed exile and play at the Masters at Augusta National in Georgia.

A request for comment from a Woods spokesman was not immediately returned.

James denied she was trying to get even with Woods for breaking her heart when he ended their three-year affair and refused to publicly acknowledge it.

"I just wanted the public to know and the truth to be out there for me to have people see what I was being told and not just judge me for being with a married guy," she told The Associated Press. James said she would begin posting in the days ahead some of the more than 1,000 text messages she said she has from Woods. She is only posting messages she says are from Woods and none from herself to the golfer because her cell phone overwrote outgoing texts and she wasn't able to save them.

James said she met Woods while working at a Las Vegas nightclub he frequented.

The final three texts James released were dated Oct. 4 and indicate the sender became enraged with her, apparently after their relationship was nearly discovered.

"Don't ... talk to me," the final one said, using an expletive. "You almost just ruined my whole life. If my agent and these guys would have seen you there."

She said the relationship didn't end, however, until several weeks later.

Source: Web Search


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