Friday, March 19, 2010

Streaker's dash overruns Clarke sledging

Published>Fri, Mar 19 10 01:08 PM

Wellington, Mar. 19 (ANI): A streaker got the Basin Reserve crowd going today just as Australian vice-captain Michael Clarke arrived at the crease.

The crowd of around 4000 people met Clarke's arrival with loud cheers and jeers.

Chants referring to his broken engagement with model Lara Bingle included "Where's the ring?", "Ring, ring, ring", "Where the bloody hell are ya?" as well as clapping and loud chants of support for the Black Caps.

The streaker ran across the field nude with "Nanna told me not to" written on his back, dodged four security guards and cleared a picket fence before he successfully made his escape from the ground.

It is believed the man had formed a Facebook group to gain support for his streak.

Police said the streaker had not been apprehended and only a cursory search would be carried out. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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