Friday, July 16, 2010

CA mulls 'super striker' who can bat more than once for domestic one-dayers

Published>Fri, Jul 16 10 04:38 PM

Sydney, July 16(ANI): Cricket Australia has proposed a new format for its domestic limited overs competition, where each teams will nominate a "super-striker" who will bat more than once.

It is also the revamp that CA wishes to ease into the international game in time for the 2015 World Cup, which will be co-hosted by Australia and New Zealand.

Talking about the new format, CA's marketing manager Julian Dunne said that it would offer a more bracing contest than the tired 50-over version.

"One day cricket isn't in massive decline, but it is in slight decline, and if we don't address it now, the decline will increase," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Dunne, as saying.

The new format would also let the bowling teams use a minimum of four bowlers in any way they see fit, rather than restricting them to spells of 10 overs each.

Fast bowlers will also be allowed to bowl two bouncers an over rather than one, while greater leniency will be applied to the interpretation of legside wides. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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