Friday, July 16, 2010

England striker Heskey scored less than goalkeepers in international career

Published>Fri, Jul 16 10 04:22 PM

London, July 16(ANI): England striker Emile Heskey, who has retired from international football, had scored fewer times than two goalkeepers.

Heskey scored just seven times in 62 appearances, which is one less than former Columbian goalkeeper Rene Higuita in 68 caps and Paraguay's Jose Luis Chilavert, who played 74 games for his country.

"It's the numbers of goals unfortunately that people will remember, but his strength, his pace, his ability to hold the ball up and his aerial ability were all the good facets of his game. His unselfishness is what players will remember him for most," The Sun quoted Sky Sports pundit Tony Gayle, as saying.

Gayle further said that Heskey's greatest game came when he scored to help England beat Germany 5-1 in Munich during a World Cup qualifier in September 2001.

"I was there when England beat Germany 5-1, and that's what I would like Emile to be remembered for in his international career. That was his real glory day for me," he added.

Heskey played at World Cups in 2002 and 2010, and the European Championship in 2000 and 2004. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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