Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kapil Dev set to fulfil Indian migrant''s last wish

Sun, Jul 25 10 06:27 PM

Natasha Chaku Melbourne, Jul 25 (PTI) Family of Indian immigrant Pooran Singh, who died here in Warranambool over six decades ago, today finally collected his ashes at a jam packed ceremony along with legendary cricketer Kapil Dev to fulfil his last wish to immerse his ashes in the Ganges. Kapil, who will leave tomorrow for India with the ashes, said he was very honoured to come on behalf of Pooran''s family for the purpose. "I will leave tomorrow with the ashes along with his family member, Kapil told PTI today. Moved by the story of the childless hawker whose ashes had been held by a funeral home for the last 63 years in the hope that relatives would one day claim them, Kapil travelled to Warrnambool in Victoria to collect the remains. Over hundred of people from Melbourne''s Sikh community joined by many others at the cemetery to witness the handover ceremony to Kapil and Singh''s great nephew Harmel Uppal, a 47-year-old father of two who works in the clothing industry in the UK. "It''s an amazing story and has moved my heart. I was very touched by the Australian people...they have a soft heart ....there is a very human touch here. and I am very grateful to people here," Kapil said. "This is definitely different to anything in my life I have ever done. It''s one of the best, emotional stories with a happy ending," the legendary cricketer said, adding "This is the bridge between the people to say you can love each other." In 1899, as a 30-year-old Singh left his family in Bilga, a village in Punjab, to go to Australia. He worked as a hawker, selling goods from his horse-drawn wagon, travelling from one country town to the other. Singh was cremated in June 1947 with his relatives in India being notified of his death by telegram. Ever since, Singh''s ashes have been kept safe by an Australian family funeral company Guyett''s Funerals in Warrnambool as his last wish was that his ashes be returned to India and immersed in the Ganges. Uppal, who came to know about the story through the media in the UK said: "Its hard to explain the emotions." "Its fantastic being here so significant to our family. I think this will be the start of many visits by Indian people here," he said "I first heard about him when I was about five or six and remember being told he moved to Australia when he was young," Uppal said. "A few months ago family members told us there was a lot of media interest in the village and we later learnt about the story of great uncle and his ashes. "It was because of his savings he sent to India the rest of his familys poverty was lifted," a grateful Uppal said.

Source: Published>


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