Sunday, July 25, 2010

Queen''s Baton Relay in Nagaland

Sun, Jul 25 10 08:27 PM

Kohima, July 25 (PTI) The Queen''s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games arrived here today where it was received by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio amid much fanfare. Leaders of various political parties, state officials and players were also present on the occasion. A large number of sportslovers had gathered on both sides of the road to catch a glimpse of the QBR. The relay later moved to Tuophema tourist village, about 45km north from here, for the night halt. The Baton will leave for Khonoma village tomorrow on its onward journey to Dimapur. The QBR was launched by Queen Elizabeth II at the Buckingham Palace in London on October 29 last year in the presence of Indian President Pratibha Patil.

Source: Published>


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