Wednesday, August 4, 2010

M.S. Gill inaugurates Jamia Sports Complex in New Delhi

Published>Wed, Aug 04 10 08:22 PM

New Delhi, Aug 4 (ANI): Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs M.S. Gill inaugurated the Jamia Sports Complex here on Wednesday, which would be a venue for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

Gill expressed his satisfaction with the renovated indoor games venue.

"I am very happy to see this hall for table tennis and multiple indoor sports events after an investment of 40 crores. Seven grounds have been constructed; it is a famous university of the country. By giving it this infrastructure, it automatically becomes a games legacy for the Commonwealth Games because they will be used regularly," said Gill.

"We have also upgraded their hostel," he added.

The Sports Minister further said the multi-sporting event would be held as per schedule and showed faith in the Organising Committee.

"Games will be conducted and people responsible for it are doing their duty. I am not directly administrating anything and the Organizing Committee has its own contacts, and every type of committees and officers," said Gill.

"It is their responsibility and they will complete it. Games will be conducted and we will positively complete it," he added.

Gill, however, refused to comment on the controversies surrounding the Commonwealth Games, but added the issue would soon be discussed in the Rajya Sabha.

India is expecting about two million tourists in New Delhi for the Games, as well as about 10,000 athletes from 71 teams representing 54 Commonwealth member states.

The 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi is being touted as the biggest international sporting event to be hosted by India since the 1982 Delhi Asian Games. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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