Wednesday, August 4, 2010

PCB thinking of appointing batting coach

Wed, Aug 04 10 09:52 PM

Karachi, Aug 4 (PTI) The Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Ejaz Butt today said that the board was considering appointing a batting consultant with the national team to help young players adjust in a better manner to international cricket. Butt said from London that when he returned home later this week, he would discuss the issue with the governing council members. The debate over the need to have a batting coach with the team was sparked off again after Pakistan were thrashed by England in the first Test at Nottingham last week, where they being bowled out for just 80 runs in their second innings. So far in the three Tests they have played against Australia and England, the batsmen have struggled to come to terms with the seaming pitches. Former Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq joined the debate few days back when he said the team needed a batting coach to guide the youngsters and said he would consider such an offer if it was made to him by the board. Another former captain and Director General in PCB, Javed Miandad has also stressed on the need to have a professional batting coach with the team as present the coaching panel of the team includes Waqar Younis and Aaqib Javed, both bowlers and Ijaz Ahmed, who is there primarily as a fielding coach. Butt said if need arose he would also speak to Inzamam to discuss the possibility of having a batting consultant with the team. "We are looking at the possibility of having a batting consultant as this could help our new players to become better players and adjust to the top level cricket," he said. Sources said that chances of Miandad getting this assignment are slim because of his recent cold relations with Butt over the dropping of Faisal Iqbal and Younis Khan for the England tour. Butt also made it clear that the decision to recall Mohammad Yousuf to the Test side in England was taken after due consideration and the captain and coach were informed about the matter. He ruled out any chances of bad blood in the team because of Yousuf''s return. "The players are not children and they know their responsibilities. I don''t foresee any problems of this nature," Butt said. "As it is now we have made ourselves very clear on the discipline and commitments issues to the players," he added. PTI Cor SSC

Source: Published>


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