Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Will reply to all graft charges in House, says Sports Minister

Published>Thu, Aug 05 10 05:52 AM

Bombarded with criticism from all quarters over alleged corruption in the Commonwealth Games projects, Union Sports Minister M S Gill on Wednesday said replies to all such charges will be given in Parliament on Thursday. "Whatever charges are being made will be discussed in Parliament, so you will have to wait for it," he said at the inauguration of the practice venues for rugby and table tennis at the Jamia Millia Islamia.

Jamia's old sports facility, now a sleek sports complex after the revamp by RITES, was unveiled on Wednesday. Apart from a huge field for rugby practice, it also has badminton courts and a gymnasium. A hockey field is also being prepared, which is in addition to the facilities meant for the Games. "Although this is a practice venue, it is as good as any of the main event venues," said V K Agarwal, a RITES official.

An earlier multi-purpose hall at the facility has been refurbished and upgraded, which includes the roof and flooring being changed, walls being reinforced, improvement of the fa?ade, air-conditioning and installation of international standard lighting and acoustics.

A combined services complex has also come up with new facilities like changing rooms, a fitness centre, waiting lounge for athletes, storage space for equipment, meeting and briefing room, physiotherapy and massage rooms, medical room, cafeteria and an ice bath.

Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit assured that all stadiums will be ready on time. "After the Games, the city will bear a different look and each one of us will be proud of what we have. Delhi has managed to get infrastructure in a short period that otherwise takes decades," she said.

Jamia Vice-Chancellor Najeeb Jung offered apologies for the inconvenience caused to students due to their eviction from the hostels. "Our students are suffering as we have vacated the hostels, but we also have our own limitations. This year we have taken 90 students under the sports category and all of them have played at the national level. We hope the stadium will be used by them," he said.

Source: Web Search


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