Friday, April 9, 2010

Porn star ex says Tiger Woods 'should stay home and repair his marriage'

Published>Fri, Apr 09 10 04:24 PM

New York, Apr 9 (ANI): Just like wife Elin, jilted porn star Joslyn James too believes that Tiger Woods should sit at home and work on his marriage instead of playing golf.

"He shouldn't have rushed back to play. ... He uses these tournaments to go around being a philanderer. He should stay home and repair his relationship with his wife," the New York Daily News quoted Woods' ex-mistress James, as saying.

And he should apologize to her, James added.

"I just wish he'd tell the truth," James, who twirled around the pole yesterday at the Pink Pony strip club, said, "and be the kind of man his mother and father raised him to be."

Before her show, James talked about her relationship with Woods.

"I went out of my way to please him in the bedroom," she said. "I went that extra mile, that extra step. He likes a lot of different things."

"He has an addiction, to lying," she said.

Woods, 34, made headlines with his return to the Masters, but his wife Elin is said to be getting furious day by day with his decision to put his game before their relationship.

"There's a reason why Elin didn't go to the tournament and it's simple," a source said.

"She thinks he's breaking his promise to her by returning to golf so soon. And as every day goes by she gets a little angrier," the source added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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