Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger Woods' relationship with wife 'getting worse'

Published>Fri, Apr 09 10 02:10 PM

Washington, April 9 (ANI): Professional golfer Tiger Woods is said to be making his golf comeback at the expense of his marriage.

Woods, 34, had made headline with his return to the Masters, but his wife Elin is said to be getting furious day by day with his decision to put his game before their relationship.

"There's a reason why Elin didn't go to the tournament and it's simple," quoted a source as saying.

"She thinks he's breaking his promise to her by returning to golf so soon. And as every day goes by she gets a little angrier," the source said.

The source also revealed that the couple fought about his golf return a few weeks ago when Woods first told Elin.

"And since then she has been ice cold to him. Not only did she refuse his request to go to the tournament but she also has moved away from him emotionally," the source revealed.

The two had been trying to repair their marriage after his secret cheating life was revealed, and they were also at one point about a month ago seen hugging outdoors with Woods giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"That was when things peaked," the source, who sees them on a regular basis, said.

"They are not living in the same house and Elin has grown very cold.

"In fact now when she drops the kids off to his house, sometimes she has a nanny take them inside. Other times she will ring the bell and when Tiger answers, give him the children but not go inside.

"It's a very cold, cold message. Tiger is extremely upset about it and wants Elin to move back home. She rented a house about a mile away and is also refusing to wear her wedding rings.

"Elin thinks if Tiger rushed his golf comeback then all he was interested in was getting back to where he was and she doesn't want to go back to where they were.

"There were so many other women, so many years of betrayal, of Tiger living a lie. Elin has to learn to trust him again and that is not happening.

"In fact, his return to golf has made her trust him less," the source revealed.

Elin, who is normally an extremely upbeat person, has been more uptight and in bad moods the past several weeks.

"There's no question it's all directed toward Tiger. She barely goes near him most days. He's going to have to do something drastic to improve things," the source added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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