Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lemaitre blazes to European 100 metres gold

France's Christophe Lemaitre (C) sprints to the finish to win the men's 100 metres final...

Published>Thu, Jul 29 10 02:38 AM

Frenchman Christophe Lemaitre blazed to 100 metres gold at the European championships on Wednesday in 10.11 seconds as the next four athletes clocked the same time in a photo finish.

Lemaitre set off on his lap of honour wearing a cowboy hat and carrying the French flag while the others looked up at the big screen as officials decided who the minor medals after they all ran the same time of 10.18 seconds.

Britain's Mark Lewis-Francis took silver and Frenchman Martial Mbandjock the bronze.

Portugal's European record holder and 2006 champion Francis Obikwelu was fourth and pre-race favourite Dwain Chambers of Britain finished fifth.

Chambers and Lewis-Francis were quickest away but Lemaitre, the fastest European this year after setting a national record of 9.98 in July, came powering through at 60 metres to cross the line first.

Source: Web Search


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