Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Petacchi stays silent as he meets doping investigators

Lampre team rider and best sprinter's green jersey Alessandro Petacchi of Italy poses in front...

Wed, Jul 28 10 08:38 PM

Italian Alessandro Petacchi, the points classification winner in the recent Tour de France, stayed silent on Wednesday when he met police investigating if he has committed a new doping offence.

"He wanted to speak but I preferred that he kept the right to remain silent," his lawyer Virginio Angelini told reporters after the meeting in Florence.

Petacchi said he was innocent when news broke about the probe during the Tour and his Lampre team said they would stick by him as he is innocent until proven guilty.

Police have not specified what Petacchi is accused of but raided his house in April as part of a long-running probe into doping in Italian sport.

The 36-year-old was banned in 2007 for using excess salbutamol, which he blamed on the overuse of an asthma inhaler.

Italian cycling has been riddled with high-profile doping cases in recent years.

Source: Published>


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