Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MCD yet to start upgrading road near Karni Singh Stadium

Wed, Jul 28 10 09:08 PM

New Delhi, July 28 (PTI) With the Commonwealth Games just two months away, MCD is yet to commence improvement and strengthening of a road leading to the shooting venue of the mega sports event. A proposal on upgrading the road near Karni Singh Stadium in Tughlakabad, pending for over two years, was postponed by a meeting of the MCD Standing Committee today after the area councillor raised objections. Councillor Sarita Chaudhary wants that the widening of the road also be done along with the improvement, but MCD officials argue that this will involve cutting of trees and a prolonged procedural delay. For work to begin, the Standing Committee needs to give its approval following which the proposal will be sent to the MCD House. MCD officials insist that the area where road widening is being proposed by the councilor is part of the southern ridge. "It will take a lot of time to get clearance related to the Indian Forest Act as the road widening will involve felling at least 1,000 trees. As not much time is left for the Games, the proposal for improving the existing road should be allowed. The road widening project can be taken up later," said a senior MCD official. Chaudhary said road widening is important as it will help ease the traffic congestion in the area. "It is not that trees were not cut for any Games projects in Delhi. If we cut some trees, will can plant double the number. But traffic situation is very bad on the stretch and widening of the road is quite important. I have been raising this issue for the last so many years but nothing is being done," she said. PTI SDG

Source: Published>


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