Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No faults in 2010 Commonwealth Games stadiums: M S Gill

Published>Wed, Jul 28 10 10:38 PM

New Delhi, July 28 (ANI): Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports M S Gill on Wednesday said that there are no faults in the stadiums designed for the 2010 Commonwealth Games (CWG).

He complained the media had been wrongly depicting the preparations of the CWG, asserting that nine out of the 13 stadiums are ready for the upcoming event.

"The fact remains these stadiums have no faults, there is no leakage anywhere, and the architecture and engineering is the first time in India even the Public Works Department (PWD) has seen," said Gill.

Gill further said that he has been dedicated to his work since he resumed his office on April 6, 2008, and maintained that he would complete his part of work in time for the CWG.

"I made sure, which was necessary, that all requirements are fully funded in good time. I have seen in my life that projects like any kind in the country, often they linger, they languish, because funding is not there," said Gill.

"In this case, all the funding, whatever increases also, after checking by officers, were given by mid 2009," he added while speaking to the media after the Parliament session of the day.

Earlier in June, Gill had said that the infrastructure for the 2010 games is one of the finest in the world.

The Commonwealth Games 2010 will be held from October 3 to 14 in the national capital.

The 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi is being touted as the biggest international sporting event to be hosted by India since the 1982 Delhi Asian Games.

Its success is being seen as the first step for India to bid for bigger events. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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