Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Murali will be difficult to emulate: Tendulkar

Wed, Jul 28 10 08:18 PM

Colombo, July 28 (PTI) Batting icon Sachin Tendulkar today said India have sorted Ajanatha Mendis and they are no easy prey for the Sri Lankan spinner now. Mendis, who tormented India in their last tour and also in the only practice game, today took two of the four wickets but gave away 83 runs in 25 overs. "He is a difficult bower. But our batsmen have sorted him out. We have figured out his strengths and so we try not to bat to his strengths. He has done well against us but now it is an even contest," Tendulkar, who scored his 48th Test century today, said. Mendis trapped both Murali Vijay and VVS Laxman while off-spinner Suraj Randiv dismissed Sehwag and Rahul Dravid Tendukar praised both Mendis and Randiv for their efforts but said it will be difficult for them to fill in the vaccum created by retirement of Muttiah Muralitharan. "Both the bowlers, did very well. Of course, it is always difficult to emulate Murali and it is not going to be easy for Mendis and Randiv. It would be a big responsibility for them to fill up his place," Tendulkar said. Even at the age of 36, Tendulkar spent around 15 hours on the field today while fielding and batting and the senior batsman said he works a lot to keep his fitness intact. "Recovery is always a very important issue, specially in conditions like this which are very tough. One needs plenty of rest and so it would be an early night for me tonight so that I get up and start fresh tomorrow. "Tomorrow in the morning, I would probably face some throw downs so that the eyes gets going and body keeps moving before the start of play," he said.

Source: Published>


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