Friday, July 30, 2010

Short of drivers, OC needs extra helping hands

Sat, Jul 31 10 09:47 AM

New Delhi, July 30 -- They were supposed to help out in the preparations and also during sports events, but now, Commonwealth Games volunteers will also pitch in by ferrying athletes and Games officials. The Commonwealth Games Organising Committee (OC) is facing a shortage of drivers who can ferry athletes and officials from hotels to venues. Though the remuneration and perks are attractive, there is a dearth of drivers in the city. The OC will deploy 2,000 cars, provided by Tata Motors, during the games and needs about 3,000 drivers to work in shifts. Though the job of bringing in the drivers has been entrusted to Tata Motors, the OC has also pitched in to recruit drivers, with only two months left for the event. It is not unusual for volunteers, mainly students, to drive vehicles during the Games. There were 1,600 volunteer drivers at the 2002 CWG at Manchester and also at the 2006 Melbourne Games. "We will choose such volunteers who have the necessary skill sets to carry out this job," said Anil Chhikara, who is heading the transport project in OC. "The volunteers, however, will be only given soft duties to ferry people from point to point. They wouldn't be working in eight-hour-shifts, like the paid drivers."

Those who volunteer for this work will need to have a valid driver's license and undergo a test and training. The recruitment of these volunteer drivers will be conducted between August 1 and 5.

Source: Published>


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