Monday, August 30, 2010

People come out with donkeys to protest fixing scandal

Mon, Aug 30 10 08:21 PM

Lahore, Aug 30 (PTI) In an innovative way to cry down Pakistani players'' alleged involvement in the match-fixing scandal, which has rocked the international cricket, a small band of protesters staged a demonstration by coming out with donkeys on the main road here today. The protesters, including children, came out with donkeys each of which had a piece of paper stuck on its forehead with names of accused players and some officials as demonstrators slapped it with shoes and also pelted with rotten vegetables. "This is our way of protesting against such corrupt cricketers and officials. "We want to bring to the notice of the government that they need to punish those who have brought a bad name to the country and made a fool of the millions who pray for the success of the national team all the time," Ahmed Draz, one of the protester, said. The protesters also carried placards against the players including captain Salman Butt, wicketkeeper Kamran Akmal and officials and chanted slogans urging punishment for them. Anger has risen in Pakistan since the fresh match-fixing scandal broke out yesterday with former players and people from all walks of life urging bans and other penalties for the guilty. They are also asking for sacking of the Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Ijaz Butt and his team of officials. This anger was also witnessed at Lord''s yesterday. When Pakistan team bus reached there for the fourth Test Pakistanis settled in London threw rotten tomatoes and eggs at the bus and chanted slogans against the players and officials. "This reaction is understandable after all the players and officials in England have already let the nation down by getting themselves involved in such a controversy in the first place," said Ishtiaq Ahmed, a civil lawyer. Ishtiaq today filed a petition in the Lahore High Court urging the court to file treason charges against the players accused of spot fixing. "I want treason charges against them because they acted against the constitution of the country by betraying the country, an example needs to be made of them," he said. He also said that his case will be heard by the Court tomorrow and in the petition he had also pointed out that betraying one''s national team amounted to treason. "The authorities should seize all assets of these players and put them on trial," he added.

Source: Published>


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