Monday, August 30, 2010

'Lord's Test betting scam' allegations 'rubbish': Majeed

Published>Mon, Aug 30 10 08:37 PM

London, Aug 30(ANI): The brother and business partner of London-based Mazhar Majeed, the alleged man behind a 150,000-pound match-fixing scandal involving the Pakistan team, insists that the allegations are "just rubbish."

Mazhar was secretly filmed by a British tabloid accepting 150,000 pounds to make sure that three 'no-balls' were bowled by Pakistan fast bowlers Mohammad Aamer and Mohammad Asif at certain times during the Lord's Test match against England.

"I found it not laughable, because you don't laugh at things like that, but I thought it was just rubbish," The Daily Times quoted Azhar Majeed, as saying.

"I saw the video of Mazhar sitting there counting out money on the table. They are alleging it was for matchfixing ... I have absolutely no idea about it whatsoever," he added.

Speaking about his brother's arrest, Azhar said: "I'm extremely worried. Nothing like this has ever happened to us. Ever. I have no idea as to what happened and what's led to him counting out that money."

The 35-year-old, who was arrested on Saturday, has been bailed to appear before police at a future date.

According to News of The World, three no-balls were delivered exactly as Majeed described during the secretly filmed meeting on the night before the Test at Lord's.

Video footage apparently shows the cricket agent counting out 150,000 pounds given to him by investigators posing as businessmen.

The allegations have caused shockwaves across the cricket world, with suggestions that dozens of other matches may have been "fixed". (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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