Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Man City boss Mancini may raise a stink over Barry's booze gulp

Published>Wed, Oct 27 10 10:38 AM

London, Oct. 27 (ANI): Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini, who recently barred players from boozing, is expected to be "furious", after receiving reports that club and England ace Gareth Barry was gulping from a liqueur bottle in front of cheering Man City team-mates at a student party.

rry, Shay Given, Joe Hart and Adam Johnson were invited to the do on Monday after a night out in St Andrews, Scotland, The Sun reports.

One student said: "They were drinking and signing autographs for everyone." The players, on a golf trip after the Blues' 3-0 defeat to Arsenal on Sunday, left at 2.30 a.m.

The club refused to comment. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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