Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pietersen can contribute a lot in Ashes, says Flower

Published>Tue, Oct 26 10 07:08 PM

London, Oct 26 (IANS) England coach Andy Flower feels that Kevin Pietersen can make a big contribution to the team in the upcoming Ashes series against Australia.

'I expect great things from Kevin. He is a very fine player and is very motivated to do well for England. He wants to make a big contribution and this is a great stage on which to do it,' Flower was quoted as saying in The Guardian.

'He could have taken the month off after quite a hectic 18 months but he did not, he wanted to go out and score some good runs and be as ready as he can,' Flower said of Pietersen, who is not in his best of form.

Flower also wants the team to feel that 'there is nothing to be afraid of in Australia'.

He wants the players to get out of their hotel rooms and away from their computers, dartboards and card games and enjoy the country and the culture.

'This should be one of the highlights of people's cricketing careers, to go on an Ashes tour of Australia. They should be looking forward to enjoying it,' Flower said.

'That means enjoying the challenges that you face on the field and also seeing another country, another culture, meeting new people.'

Source: Web Search


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