Friday, June 18, 2010

Angry England fans hit back at Rooney's f-word rant

Published>Sat, Jun 19 10 11:51 AM

London, Jun 19 (ANI): Disappointed at their team's performance against Algeria, England fans have angrily reacted at ace striker Wayne Rooney's claims that they are not loyal to the side.

A goalless draw against Algeria, ranked 30th in the world, prompted boos on the final whistle from the England contingent in the crowd.

Rooney, whose performance had dipped, reacted by shouting into a television camera: "Nice to see your own fans booing you. If that's what loyal support is ... for fuck's sake."

Sky News reports that disappointed fans vented their anger outside the stadium in Cape Town.

Richard Sanderson, a lifelong England fan from Lincolnshire, said he was one of the fans booing Rooney and his teammates off the field.

"Rooney had the worst game he's ever had for England. The lack of effort put in by the English players was unbelievable. They're not fit to wear the shirt," he said.

"With the effort they put in and the money we've paid to get out here, if they think they deserve the English fans' applause they can think again,' Sanderson added.

Steve Stoddart, a pharmacist from Bristol, said: "For us it's cost a lot of money to come out here. We are loyal supporters. The England players at the end never came over and clapped the crowd."

Neil Jensen, a 39-year-old a British ex-pat living in Hong Kong, flew in especially for the game.

He said coach Fabio Capello should make changes to the team, including dropping Steven Gerrard or Frank Lampard to make way for a genuine winger, adding that Rooney should also be dropped. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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