Friday, June 18, 2010

'Bad girl' Serena vows 'not to break' any rackets at Wimbledon

Published>Fri, Jun 18 10 07:21 PM

London, June 18(ANI): Nine months after her foul-mouthed outburst at a US Open line judge, Serena Williams has promised to be on her best behaviour when Wimbledon starts next week.

"I've demolished a few rackets here, but I'll try not to do that this year," The Independent quoted Williams, as saying.

"I didn't break any at the French Open. I think that was my first Slam in years where I haven't done that," she added.

Williams further said that she doesn't think the New York incident would affect her relationship with the London crowd.

"It was a while ago. I think people can really understand my passion for the game and how much I love to play and how much I love to just be out there competing on the court," she added.

She also said that after losing in the French Open quarterfinals, she spent the best part of a fortnight back home training in Florida's hard courts.

"I've just hit on grass here today and yesterday. There aren't too many grass courts in the US, so I just adopt Andre Agassi's method. I read once about how he never practiced on the grass, he just played on hard courts," Williams said. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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