Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ferrari accepts 11-year-old Canadian in drivers' academy

Published>Thu, Jun 10 10 05:07 PM

Melbourne, June 10 (ANI): Ferrari has accepted 11-year-old Canadian Lance Stroll to its drivers' academy.

"Ferrari has accepted a schoolboy, who is five years shy of getting a driving licence as the youngest ever recruit to its drivers' academy," the Courier-Mail reports.

Stroll, who hails from Montreal, has won the Canadian national championship twice in the Rotax Mini Max category.

The Federation Sport Automobile du Quebec had nominated Stroll as Rookie of the Year in 2008 and Driver of the Year the following year.

"He is very young, but he has already shown in karting that he is exceptionally talented," said Luca Baldisserri, the owner of the Ferrari Driving Academy. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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