Thursday, June 10, 2010

WC soccer mania to make Brit footie fans 10lbs fatter

Published>Thu, Jun 10 10 01:51 PM

London, June 10 (ANI): As football fever grips fans across the world, Brit soccer aficionados are set to put on nearly 10lbs each during the World Cup, a new study reveals.

Men will scoff 5,567 extra calories each time the England squad sets foot on the field during the football extravaganza. This amounts to 38,969 calories over all seven matches.

Girls will gorge on an additional 2,224 calories per game, making it 15,568 for the entire World Cup, which means they will pile on almost 5lbs.

The survey, by diet firm All About W8, shows that most of the calories will come from beer, snacks, pizzas and curry.

The men quizzed for the survey said they would have around eight pints of beer per match and snack on crisps, nuts and takeaway pizza.

Women said they would like to down a bottle of wine plus an extra glass then snack on fatty crisps each time the Brit footie stars play. Afterwards they plan to indulge themselves with a takeaway meal like curry.

Men's match intake is more than twice their daily calorie requirements, while women's is ten per cent over the recommended daily 2,000 limit.

Every 3,500 calories consumed over and above our daily intake equals one pound in weight.

"If England does well this year, we will see the nation pile on the pounds," The Sun quoted Alison Wetton, chief executive of All About W8, as saying.

"Fans should try to eat healthily in between games and walk to the pub or party rather than drive," Wetton added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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