Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wenger picks Spain as favourites, but wants England to win World Cup

Published>Thu, Jun 10 10 03:07 PM

London, Jun 10 (ANI): Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has picked Spain as the super favourites, but wants England to win the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see England winning the World Cup. But I have to say that this year Spain will be the super favourites.

"In terms of pure technical quality, Spain are the best team in South Africa by a long way. I saw them win their last warm-up 6-0 and they were on a different planet," The Sun quoted Wenger, as saying.

The Arsenal boss said that England, with Argentina and maybe Holland, would be Spain's strongest contenders.

"What I love so much about England is the irresistible force and strength of the belief in the whole country. Every World Cup the people are disappointed like mad when they don't win it but when the next tournament arrives they all believe again that they will win it," he said.

"I love that attitude and that is why I would love England to win the World Cup. When I drive in London, I see every other car flying the flag of St George. I was in Paris last week and did not see one car with a French flag. That says it all," Wenger added.

He also said that France could be a force at this World Cup, but they lack belief as the whole country has a feeling they shouldn't be there after the way they qualified against Ireland. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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